Sunday, 17 February 2008

Comfort food

Yes, even cavemen need some comfort once in a while, when they've battled dinosaurs all weekend, or had to club their particular female conquest on the head with a bone one time too many (cavemen weren't politically correct), or had to fight over who ended up with the chore of cleaning up after disembowelling a mammoth.
(Please note, as G.K. Chesterton wrote in 'The everlasting man', the cavemen imagery used above has nothing to do with the actual cavemen, but is an artefact of nineteenth, early twentieth century popular imagination)
(Also note: even though it isn't true, it's still cool. And that's what counts ...)
(Last note: See? I can even find a way to quote Chesterton, even on a food blog).
Anyway, I was writing about comfort food.
And I had a good comfort food today. Not particulary low in calories, mind, but it followed the paleolithic concepts to a tee.
First I fried an onion in small pieces in oil, added quite a lot of curry powder, paprika powder and powdered pepper.
I then added a largish piece of cervelaat, a kind of salami-esque sausage, lots of fat but quite tasty , I think 200 grams, cut in pieces. I fried that in the onion until it had colored brownish. I do not have a lisp. I just like to use 'ish' a lot. Or should that be 'a lotish'?
And finally I added one courgette, cut in pieces. Yes, some healthy stuff too.
I fried it all for a couple minutes more, added a copious amount of sweet chili sauce, shoved it on my plate and mmmm ....
Satisfying, spicy and a good stuffed feeling afterwards.
Definitely comforting after a hard days night eh ... work inside the house (or cave).
(Did you get the beatles reference? Chesterton and the Beatles in one post. This is getting weird).

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