Saturday, 23 June 2007

a hobbitty breakfast

Today I had what has fast become my favorite weekend-breakfast since I'm eating like Cornell... what I call a 'hobbitty' breakfast. As it has nice, crispy bacon, tomatoes and that age old favorite of the little guys with the hairy feet: mushrooms. Who wouldn't make a shortcut to those? Anyway:
I took 6 small slices of bacon, three tomatoes (in slices) and 200 grams of champignons (mushrooms, also in slices. First baking the bacon, then adding the mushrooms, followed by the tomatoes. Added a bit of currypowder and pepper, and then some of my favorite ingredient: sweet chili sauce. Hmmm... With some hot coffee: delicious...
Tomorrow I'll have more.
I lunched on radishes. Hardly any calories but filling. Though I think these are better in combination with something. They have a really distinctive taste.

Yesterday I ate with my brother: lasagnette, so I didn't keep the 'rules', but at the birthdayparty I managed to say 'no' to chips and snacks and munch on the cucumber. For lunch yesterday I had half a pineapple and lots of strawberries. mmmm.... Who needs bread?


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