Tuesday 31 July 2007

We're not alone!

Yay! We have a reader! Thanks for your enthusiastic praise Jason, it's nice to know someone has actually found our blog.
Here are my latest meals:
1 A light breakfast
2 Steak tartare with stir fried green beans and broccoli and fresh spinach
3 Smoked mackerel with fried white cabbage and celery stalk
4 Mackerel, plums and Schwarzwalder Schinken
5 Pork chop with broccoli, white cabbage, paprika and ginger

Monday 30 July 2007


Is there anybody out there? If you've found our blog and enjoy it, please leave a comment and let us know we're not alone out here... what's the use of uploading all these pictures if nobody's watching?

Sc... Sh... Sch...

1 Scrambled shrimp
2 Steak tartar and Schwarzwalder Schinken (a kind of ham)
3 Shrimp, nuts and broccoli

Lamb & Clam

1 Salmon with thyme
2 Marinated lambchop with courgette, aubergine and onion
3 Horse steak on a bed of fresh spinach
4 Mussels!
5 The battlefield

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Salad Surprise

1 This salad was fabulous. The tastes and textures were as varied as the colours.
2 Fresh mackerel with courgette and white cabbage.
3 Quite obvious.
4 Salmon with thyme.

Living in the moment

1 Horse steak, white cabbage, paprika and red onion.
2 Roastbeef marinated in pesto.
3 Smoked mackerel.
4 Salmon and fennel.
5 Salmon with thyme.

Wednesday 18 July 2007

I, Claudius

This is fish, salmon, tunafish, and two or three other kinds - don't know the names. O and there's seeweed sprinkled over it.

Then there's chicken breast, white cabbage (spitskool), paprika leeks and a few plumbs.

And finally chicken, white cabbage, paprika and broccoli.
I've been watching I, Claudius, so that's what the foods called. No poison in it I hope.

See food

Just pics this time, I think most of the ingredients are visible...

Friday 13 July 2007

The Nose Knows

The first dish is tenderloin with apple, red onion and broccoli.

The second is a horse steak with broccoli, red onion and a sweet pepper.

The last one was intended to be with chicken, but there was a hint of an odd smell to it so I decided not to use it. The reason that we have a nose hanging right over our mouth is to be able to sniff anything we eat, in case it may have gone bad or seem unpalatable. So I trust my olfactory sense implicitely when it comes to these things. Nose knows best. It tasted good as it is, though for linner today, I'll have the same with the intended chicken.

The chicken or the egg?

This is chicken with broccoli, courgette (aka the amazing zucchini) and some spices - garlic and mustard seed.

Thursday 12 July 2007

Axis of Evil

Yes, I know, the title makes no sense. So sue me.
The first dish has mushrooms, red onion and cauliflower and there is some marinated pork underneath.

The egg in the next picture is spiced up with paprika and chili.

Next, there is minced beef (or ground, depending on where you're from) with red onion, mushrooms and tomatoes.

Cook by Colour

The chicken goes with broccoli, leaks and red cabbage.
Then there's a dish with smoked mackerel and olives, and one with smoked salmon and bellpepper, witlof and iceberg lettuce.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Fun with cauliflower...

I tried out another nice combination last night for dinner.
I stir fried 270 grams of minced meat (extra mager rundergehakt for dutchies), with a small cauliflower (bloemkool), one bellpepper (paprika). Then I added four tomatoes in parts. I stir fried as long as it took for the tomatoes to fall apart and form a delicious sauce together with some sweet chilisauce and some soy sauce. It was very good!
I had half of this last night, and will have the other half tonight.
Together with a breakfast consisting of some cucumber, 125 grams of carrots, 125 grams of strawberries, some cherrytomatoes and some nuts, a lunch of carrots and 100 grams of ham and a banana and some apricots in between I had less than 900 kcal yesterday. While eating to my fill!

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Vegetables are friends... and food

Today I thought I'd change my habits for breakfast. Up till now on the paleodiet I broke my fast with fruit. Lots of fruit. And banana's. But as Cornell explained to me: banana's will actually increase your glycemic index just as grains do. So banana's should be eaten in moderation.
In order to create more diversity in my breakfasting habits, this morning I had two little snack-cucumbers, five cherry tomatoes (1 kilocalorie each...), approximately 150 grams of carrots and a 125 of strawberries (not all fruit is bad), combined with some nuts. Tasted good, but the cucumber has relatively little taste to it and the cherrytomato is maybe a bit sharp. Anyway, I had also bought snack bellpeppers (paprika) to add to my breakfast, but I forgot them. So I'll add those tomorrow.
Together with carrots and chicken for lunch and so called steam-vegetables for fish (from the supermarket) for dinner, today I had only 700 kcal.
Yesterday I had a bit more calories, as I had a delicious piece of salmon with my dinner. But 1100 kcal is still less than the 2500 adviced for men, so I don't worry a lot.
In the mean time, remember: vegetables are friends, and food...

Type 2 Diabetes

A while ago I made a remark that I don't eat potatoes because I don't feel like becoming a diabetic. Today Johan sent me an article about the paleolithic diet being a good treatment for diabetes melitus type 2.
Here's the article:

Extra Sloppy Joe

This is breakfast. Can you guess my favorite fish by now?

For dinner I had a Sloppy Joe Deluxe: Minced Beef with aubergine, courgette, tomato, red onion and egg seasoned with lots of garlic, coriander seed, cumin and a few dried hot chili peppers. Actually, this was a leftover from lunch.
I added an apple a kiwi and two tomatoes for variety in flavours.

Cabbage galore!

Two kinds of melon for breakfast, along with a salted herring.

For lunch I had raw ham with stir fried broccoli, cauliflower, red cabbage and pumpkin seasoned with chives, garlic and mustard seed.
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