Tuesday 3 July 2007

Vegetables are friends... and food

Today I thought I'd change my habits for breakfast. Up till now on the paleodiet I broke my fast with fruit. Lots of fruit. And banana's. But as Cornell explained to me: banana's will actually increase your glycemic index just as grains do. So banana's should be eaten in moderation.
In order to create more diversity in my breakfasting habits, this morning I had two little snack-cucumbers, five cherry tomatoes (1 kilocalorie each...), approximately 150 grams of carrots and a 125 of strawberries (not all fruit is bad), combined with some nuts. Tasted good, but the cucumber has relatively little taste to it and the cherrytomato is maybe a bit sharp. Anyway, I had also bought snack bellpeppers (paprika) to add to my breakfast, but I forgot them. So I'll add those tomorrow.
Together with carrots and chicken for lunch and so called steam-vegetables for fish (from the supermarket) for dinner, today I had only 700 kcal.
Yesterday I had a bit more calories, as I had a delicious piece of salmon with my dinner. But 1100 kcal is still less than the 2500 adviced for men, so I don't worry a lot.
In the mean time, remember: vegetables are friends, and food...

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