Tuesday 3 July 2007

Extra Sloppy Joe

This is breakfast. Can you guess my favorite fish by now?

For dinner I had a Sloppy Joe Deluxe: Minced Beef with aubergine, courgette, tomato, red onion and egg seasoned with lots of garlic, coriander seed, cumin and a few dried hot chili peppers. Actually, this was a leftover from lunch.
I added an apple a kiwi and two tomatoes for variety in flavours.


Johan said...

That would be salted herring, I guess...

But what in the name of Joe, is a 'sloppy joe'?
And does it taste good?


Johan said...

I still don't know what a 'sloppy joe' is...

Cornell said...

Sloppy Joe, or at least the Sloppy Joe my mom makes is minced meat, egg, tomato and onion. It tasts outrageously good for something that looks so "sloppy".

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