Sunday 13 January 2008

nice breakfasts

I've been experimenting with different combinations for breakfast too, the past few months.

A nice one to start the day is a salad of half a cucumber, cut in pieces, three tomatoes (also in pieces), and a can of tuna (on brine, the tuna with oil has more calories). I also add some mixed nuts, and eat an apple when I'm in the train on the way to work. This breakfast keeps me going until lunch time ...

In the weekends I tend to take a little more time for my breakfasts. The past two weekends I made myself an omelet with some bacon (50 grams), mushrooms (approx. 130 grams), cut in small slices) and two eggs (stirred), I sprinkle the omelet with rasped cheese ... No it's not paleo-approved, but it's great none the less! After some experimentation (and complicated by my absent sense of smell) I found the right way to make the omelet without letting it burn. Delicious! And I take an apple for the vitamins.

For lunches at work I still tend to take carrots (500 grams, it's cheaper than the packages with 300 grams. It's a strange world we live in...), and some meat.


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